
Olivia is a devoted mother to three beautiful children, Elliot, Ethan, and Coralia. Olivia is a stay-at-home mother. Her family deeply values their Christian faith. Olivia’s personal journey as a mother of three and her past trauma experiences with six miscarriages, infertility, depression, postpartum depression, and anxiety are what lead her to create Postpartum Mamas.
Olivia has created the Postpartum Mamas Mental Health Support group Program as well as a nine-month mental health curriculum discussing topics such as Suicide Awareness in September to Postpartum Depression & Domestic Violence in October as well as Infertility & Miscarriage in November. The Postpartum Mamas program is currently serving mothers residing in various states and has been integrated in Pathway Health Clinic, CA to assist postpartum patients and mothers with mental health support as well as Chapel Hill Church in Gig Harbor, Wa.
Olivia's goals are to integrate our valued mental health program into many more facilities statewide & continue to serve mothers in need of better postpartum and mental health support. Olivia also created the Postpartum Mamas Mental Health Fund in hopes to assist mothers with various crisis needs and has assisted with donations within our Mamas Mental Health Fund thus far assisting with educational, housing, food and mental health assistance.
She has personally experienced depression, anxiety, and six miscarriages including ectopic and blighted ovum pregnancies, domestic violence, single motherhood, and represented herself in trial in the judicial court system through an abusive divorce and received 100% custody of her 3 children.
Olivia Sheridan has the heart to help those who do not have the resources to help themselves as she has personally been though the very painful but necessary journey many of her mothers are currently struggling with. She is Latino, Hispanic, and Native American, representing many of our mixed racial community of the diversity of mothers that Postpartum Mamas serves. Olivia is always ready to assist any and all mothers in any emergency crisis with an open mind, offering solutions with an immediate plan of action, and non-judgmental heart. This has enabled many of our mothers to gain a sense of dignity and empowerment in their journeys of motherhood, mental health struggles, and their healing process.
Olivia holds a Bachelors of Arts in Human Development and working towards her Masters in Social Work & LCSW from the University of Washington.
"With God all things are possible." Mathew 19:26
Olivia Sheridan
Proud Mama
Executive Director/ Founder
(760) 407-7817

President of Board
Ellie Dahl
Ellie Dahl has been recently named as our Board President and is now actively involved in supporting Postpartum Mamas to provide mental health support groups to mothers experiencing depression, anxiety and all mental health struggles. Ellie's esteemed background includes being a former founding member of the Aviara Women's Foundation which originated in1999 to benefit the cause of women and children. While serving on the Board of Directors, Ellie helped sponsor activities to raise money to support the Woman's Resource Center and Girls and Boys Club in Carlsbad, California. In 2001, Ellie was awarded the Women Who Mean Business Award issued by the San Diego Business Journal which honors women in San Diego on an annual basis for their business and volunteer achievements. While the Director of Human Resources at the Four Seasons Resort Aviara in Carlsbad, Ellie also received the Workplace Excellence Award issued by the Society for Human Resource Management for the Largest Employer Category in 2000.
Ellie obtained two Bachelor of Science degrees from Washington State University in Hospitality Management and Business Administration. Her business career has centered on Human Resources Management positions in the luxury, five star hotel business for over 30 years where she established herself as a collaborative, inspirational, and authentic senior executive, skilled in recruitment, training, benefits administration, negotiations, employee relations and employment law.
Ellie has also experienced being a single mother of two and the sacrifices of single motherhood that she had to make giving her a keen awareness & compassion for single mothers within Postpartum Mamas. Ellie enjoys being apart of assisting in the allocations of funding for many of our single mothers from our "Mamas Mental Health Fund." to help support and alleviate some of their life challenges.
Please join me in welcoming Ellie to contribute her expertise in leadership to PPM.
Ellie Dahl
President of the Board
(949) 230-1157

Vice President
Holly Alejo
Holly was a former founding member of Advocacy for students at Fremont School for the Deaf and Fremont School for the Blind while completing her internship for Chabot college in California. She is the founder for Paddleboarding excursions in Southern California with individuals without limbs, due to trauma or accidents, creating abilities for them to enhance their life through water therapy paddleboarding. Holly got her Bachelor's degree in business at California State University East Bay. Holly attended Quantum University learning advanced techniques for the process of brain, heart and mind coherence exercising the brain through a process of Metacognition and Neuroplasicity. She holds her Masters in Meditation where she gently leads others in the path of deep inner healing and empowers women to rebuild and create their new life moving through pain, transition, trauma, and healing. She is very active in volunteering for midwifery and the birthing process from prenatal to labor and delivery into the depths of Postpartum. She is an advocate for mothers fighting for custody in the judicial court system process as she is a single mother of two teenage sons, and left a marriage experiencing domestic violence herself. She knows what it’s like to have to get up and fight a battle every day to fight for dignity and freedom as an empowered woman and mother no matter the economical burdens and low access to resources which are faced in the process. Holly assists in valuable meditation techniques during our support groups for mothers, observes & participates in our California support group, and assists with the annual mental health healing annual PPM retreats as a Facility & Outreach Coordinator. She also is currently battling and surviving breast cancer and leads her life with hope and optimism no matter the circumstances. Holly comes from a diversified, culture and background, and is from Pacific Islander, Swedish, and Native American roots.
​Holly Alejo
Director Board of Director
(760) 277- 9361

Arturo Tisnado ("Bluewater")
My Spiritual Journey began with two events, one at birth and the other in my early childhood, what many people would describe as devastating but I know them as a gift. The first was when my innoscence was stripped from me and my soul and spirit physically fragmented by negative forces intending to prevent me from following my destiny. The second, from ages 2-6 I dealt with convulsions where I was treated as an experimental subject being stuffed with drugs and having electrical wires put on my temple with flashing lights that quickly lead to dying three times one after another. Both of these experiences are essential to acknowledge first because they were the catalyst that awakened my eternal power in the future to come home to power and wisdom in loving myself, thus paving way for my Souls destiny.
I was born and raised in San Diego, land of the Kumeyaay people in a neighborhood called Linda Vista where gang violence, drugs/alcohol abuse, and mental illness resided. My birth name is Arturo Tisnado and have one sibling, my brother Mario who I love very much. Growing up I remember being extremely emotionally sensitive and having a struggle to write, read, comprehend, and speak, due to the trauma my body and wellbeing endured from the drugs and procedures in the hospital.
This disadvantage made it very difficult to navigate through the educational system from kindergarten all the way through university. Even though I was extra emotionally sensitive and experienced hardship in school, I was a very happy child that loved to play, sing, laugh, and especially dance. My power place was my dreams, connection with animals, and in silence with myself and what lit up my playful spirit was sports, thanks to my father who quite drinking and decided to create this outlet for my brother and I so we'll stay away from gang activity or any other negative influence.
​In 6th grade, I met a man named Macedonio who brought an Indigenous non-profit to my school called, Circulo De Hombres - Circle Of Men as an after school program. At the first gathering, Macedonio planted a seed in my heart about identity, asking me and my hommies, "where do you come from? Are you Hispanic, Latino, Mexican, Mexican American, Indian, American Indian, Native, Indigenous and do you relate to any of these terms? When looking in the mirror all I saw was "Mexican” related to lowriders, food, music, and wanted to get tattoos, I did not know my identity. That day being a part of the first after school program, a fire was reignited in my soul and spirit to ask my family where our ancestral roots come from.
My mother ended up connecting me with my uncle Silvano - Indian Sam, who shared with me all the inspiring stories of him being a part of the American Indian Movement (AIM), important dates, and told me from grandparents bloodline through my mother, I am Indé, Apache Chiracahua, Yoeme (Yaqui), Ciré, and Mayan. When speaking these names of my people, this is when my ancestors found me and I found them. Being a part of Circle Of Men opened many doors such as, jobs working with youth, personal growth as a young man, and leadership through activism advocating for human rights and service giving back to my community to people less unfortunate. Through Circle Of Men I had the honor to participate in many Indigenous ceremonies which were a massive help in developing my mental, emotional, and spiritual growth.
A ceremony in particular that was foundational for my growth is called, Peace and Dignity Journey's (PDJ), a six month ceremonial prayer run dedicated to restoring peace, harmony, and love to Indigenous people/humanity, animals, and all sentient life. In 2007 I was fortunate to support this prayer and by 2008 I had the great honor and blessing to participate as a core runner and be representative of San Diego, to carry the prayers for the people from Chickaloon, Alaska - May 1st to El Salvador to September 21st. When coming back from PDJ I was a completely new person with different eyes and after seeing the devastation, pain, and trauma of all tribes who I connected with as family and their land, I decided to continue my education at San Diego City College to be be a voice for my Indigenous relatives and create resolutions, although the Universe had a whole anther plan for the future. By 2011 I applied to UCLA's boot camp and got accepted in 2012 and by 2015 I graduated with a B.A in Indigenous/American Indian Studies and a minor in agricultural sustainability through an Indigenous lens.
One highlight to acknowledge during my experience at UCLA is another life opening opportunity in completing my studies for three months on the island of Oa'hu through the Native American Study Abroad Program. During that program I received deep spiritual realizations feeling the the ancestors and land welcoming me, but had no clarity as to why. I completed my field research at a lo'i, agricultural farm where I connected intimately with the Kanaká Hawai’iti (Hawaiian) people who became family. After the program I invited my brother Mario to visit and we stayed on the island with an elder and shortly after got invited to the oldest Hawaiian ceremony on Big Island where I received the clarity right when I witnessed the ceremony and my brother and I ended up being adopted.
Quickly after graduating, I received an acceptance letter while being back home in San Diego from the Dean at UCLA stating that my proposal got accepted for a grant he created to implement wellness and community on campus. So headed back up to UCLA for two semesters where I facilitated co-ed restorative healing circles weekly as a safe space for students, faculty, and staff (welcoming all people) to connect deeper to their heart, to be listened to in compassion recognizing they're not alone, let go and heal what no longer serves there highest good, and to cultivate community. Was truly a gift to witness the depth of authenticity with everyone's precious heart and the love that spread all over campus. After leading healing circles at UCLA, I came back to San Diego for good, where I worked two jobs, one with inner city youth as a Youth Specialist in the San Diego Unified School District and second was an Art Instructor - in City Heights where I created the first multi-cultural program for ages k-6 that involved nature therapy, food education, creative writing, theater, and Indigenous Hip Hop.
About two years pass and I ended up giving my two weeks notice for both jobs, left my family, and prepared for another big leap in the unknown waters of my journey in May 2018 to venture to the island of Mú, Kaua'i. Here is where my prayers were acknowledged in asking for spiritual support for many years, because throughout my life random people wherever I go would share with me there traumas and life story and I was having so many metaphysical experiences that I truly needed guidance. Kau'i is where the depth of my spiritual training began in finding a teacher to guide me for one year in half in the forest from 4 am to midnight every day. I say the depth of my training because this is where I faced the darkest and rawest parts of myself from all the trauma I experienced throughout my life, especially as a child and previous life's, so that I can heal them and transform them back into light within.
Late November of 2019, my brother Mario and my other brother Black Shield came to rescue me from suicidal attempts and 2 years later was rescued again by my brother Mario in San Diego while being homeless from another situation in almost being kidnapped. In the year 2022, my life began to stabilize with my heart centered by getting back involved with my San Diego community. I was facilitating various healing workshops for children and adults, leading co-ed healing circles on the ocean for 8 months, and later was hired for 4 months as a Spiritual Caregiver in Colorado to help an elder come back to the light who was experiencing an exorcism while simultaneously help bring peace and balance to his daughters and wife. A year and half passes when I met a woman, but things did not end up working out and several months later she's pregnant.
Her and I did our best to maintain compassion, understanding, and gentle loving care for each other during this heavily emotional time - especially for her, but unfortunately by the 7th week she had a miscarriage of our baby girl Heart. After all that I've experienced and lessons learned, physically loosing a precious child - an angel of pure light that I cocreated was the most heart breaking and scariest moment in my life. I know in the core of my heart and being in all that I Am and I feel the mother does too, that Heart is not "dead" but alive walking gracefully in the purity of her radiant light by my side on this journey to help Gods plan. Later that year on the 8th of August when waking up, I heard a voice call me Bluewater very softly three times, and by the third time I had a vision since I was born until that precise moment telling me that I’ve always been Bluewater but it was not meant for me to receive my Soul until I fully loved myself, knew my power, and walked in my purpose.
I am Bluewater - a catalyst, visionary, and bridge for the New Earth Consciousness - here to carry out my sacred purpose and holly duty in Gods plan of restoration, preservation and longevity for all life and assist humanities ascension through self love and spiritual development. I've helped people (of all ages) in a multitude of ways, from arthritis, physical injuries, being a medium, suicide, sexual abuse, inner child, family counseling, and depression. I look back on my life in everything I've experienced no matter how turbulent or unbearable my trauma was and say, Thank You, knowing that it all contributed me coming back home to the essence in my personal power in loving myself and intentionally as well as gracefully preparing me to be fully equipped in balance within my wellbeing for my purpose on this earth. I feel more at peace, happy, balanced, and free in a state of loves devotion in pure bliss then ever in my life. Blessed Be!

Enrollment & Social Media Manager
Brandi Alvarez
Brandi Alvarez
Gig Harbor Facilitator & Social Media & Enrollment Manager -
My name is Brandi. I have two kids, and we have two fur babies. I’m
passionate about momming, from raising happy humans to being &
receiving support to and from other moms… it’s all part of the gig for
me if I have any chance at mental and emotional wellness. Investing in
a tribe of moms from all walks of life has been pivotal in treating my
postpartum depression.
Postpartum Mamas has provided the kind of
support that moms dream of. From the structured monthly meetings,
to the constant encouraging, positive, and supportive messages and
group posts, there is no stone left unturned.
Motherhood has transformed me into the person I’m meant to be…
good, bad, ugly, and indifferent. In 2018, I had my son Braxton. I’d
never experienced such intense joy and fear at the same time the way
I did the moment he was placed into my arms. The love was
overwhelming, and so was the responsibility of keeping my precious
boy safe, happy, and healthy. Talk about a humbling experience. I put
my brave poker face on while I secretly drowned in the feelings of
inadequacy and unworthiness. With decades of therapy in my head, I
put my hand out and asked for help. I knew I couldn’t get out of this
postpartum depression on my own.
As exciting as it was to
welcome our sweet baby girl to my family, I
was rushed by those same old feelings of inadequacy and
unworthiness. I knew these feelings, and I knew it wasn’t real, it was
just the PPD having its way with me again. But I couldn’t get it, and I
hit an all time low in the pits of depression. Here I am now in 2024
climbing out of PPD again, but this time I have a tribe of women
surrounding me to pick me up when I’m down. I couldn't be more honored to now serve as a Facilitator for Postpartum Mamas for a second year now.