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Postpartum Mamas Support Group
Fall 2024-2025

Bloomington-Normal Zoom

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Jean Meisenburg

Jean Meisenburg and Tammy Huguenin, Facilitators
2nd Thurs each month Zoom
6:30 PM CST, 4:30 PM PST

Hi, I’m Jean. I am married to my best friend from college, and together we have one son (M). I knew from a young age, I was meant to be a mom, but I’d be lying if I said my journey to Motherhood or my Motherhood experience was anything like I had dreamt it would be (colic, milk protein allergy, and diaper elastic sensitivity – just on maternity leave alone). I often say, “I’m not the Mom I imagined I would be, but I am the Mom my child needs.” And that is a grief journey I wasn’t prepared for while working my way through PPD. 

I work full time as an Administrative Assistant and truly feel my happiest when I’m supporting others personally or professionally.  M and I do not have quantity time, but we do have quality time (time away fills my cup and allows me to plan for fun). 

As a family we love Lego and playing games together – we have an extensive collection of board and card games (I stopped counting at 300 unique titles – and can say with certainty we’ve added to that collection since last count). 

I’m slowly finding my way back to hobbies I had before I was a Mom, I love cooking, baking, taking pictures, crocheting, sewing and crafting in general. I love organization and household management systems. 

I look forward to meeting you and learning how I can help support you on your motherhood journey.



Zoom Meetings 

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