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Postpartum Mamas


"A friend loves at all times."

- PROVERBS 17:17



The support group mothers have been missing is finally here. Postpartum Mamas offers free support groups for all mothers experiencing depression, anxiety, miscarriages, infant loss, parenting struggles, grief, and blessings to share; solely to uplift, encourage, and unite in a confidential and safe environment. 

They say it takes a village; but our village is nowhere to be found in our modern, independent age. Our society has failed at bringing safe, effective healing environments to mothers during the most pivotal transition in her life, Postpartum. Join our movement, find women just like you with struggles just like you.

"A life lived for others,is the only life worth living.”




Founded in 2019, Postpartum Mamas (PPM) is a non-profit 501c3 organization which provides free monthly support groups to mothers experiencing all struggles through motherhood including but not limited to depression, postpartum depression, anxiety, infertility, miscarriage, infant loss, pregnancy complications, parenting struggles, lack of family support, loneliness, isolation, or any of the other myriad challenges modern mothers face. PPM fosters growth of new friendships and lends ongoing social support to mothers at all stages in their journeys. PPM seeks to connect mothers through local monthly support groups, so that they may join in community with other mothers going through similar experiences. The nonjudgmental, empathetic, and—most importantly—confidential environment of PPM support groups helps mothers to feel heard, valued, and unconditionally supported. When we talk about our struggles in spaces that are loving, authentic, and real, we help to bring awareness to issues often hidden in fear of judgement or shame. 

PPM offers faith-based and non-faith based curriculum within our support groups to encourage and uplift mothers throughout their journeys, and to strengthen their positive coping mechanisms and healing practices. All mothers regardless of race, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, or background will be welcomed and supported graciously. PPM has a place for all mothers who feel isolated or desire the support of other strong and talented women. Mothers give sacrificially, unconditionally, and selflessly, and they deserve a supportive community where they can grieve their difficulties and celebrate their blessings.


Mothers today need more support than social media and hectic playdates can provide. And in the chaos of motherhood, it can be hard to take the time to seek out authentic relationships. PPM provides a community of women who share the goal of deep connection, acceptance, and growth. Through PPM, mothers in all phases of life can confidentially express their innermost thoughts and feelings, no matter what those are. Creating, carrying, and nurturing life is the greatest gift given to us. Postpartum Mamas is so excited that you are here to contribute your own unique experiences and strengths to help other mothers remember that they, too, are unconditionally loved, valued, and have a great purpose here on earth. Postpartum Mamas encourages and values your feedback to continue growing in a positive environment and foster positive connections.


Postpartum Mamas Support Group

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